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Road and Bridge Construction Programs

Council's Works Section is responsible for the construction of new Council road and bridge structures as well as the rehabilitation and/or reconstruction of any pre-existing assets. The Rural and Urban Roads teams comprise of Council's own labour staff, supplemented by specialised contractors when required. Typical work includes reconstruction of failed road pavements, provision of new kerb and gutter and replacement of timber bridges.

The Works Department, and subsequent Rural & Urban Roads Teams also undertake works associated with the development of private land or subdivisions. Council's three-year Management Plan identifies the road and bridge projects on which it intends to undertake work within this time frame. Implementation of these works is subject to available funding and resources.

Council currently maintains 9 bridges, 3 of which are of timber construction. All of these structures have been load tested with the low level structure on Mooki River Rd at Breeza being the only load limited bridge. Council has a Timber Bridge Replacement Programme which typically sees these ageing structures replaced with concrete ones in a timely manner in accordance the service requirements of the road.