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Local Strategic Planning Statement

The Gunnedah Shire Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) Future 2040 sets out the 20-year vision and road map for the future land use planning in the Shire. Future 2040 articulates four (4) key themes, eleven (11) planning priorities and fifty (50) actions. It identifies the special character and values that are to be preserved and how change will be managed into the future, and seeks to align future land use planning with the outcomes identified in the Gunnedah Community Strategic Plan 2017-2027. The document also gives effect to the New England North West Regional Plan 2036 by implementing those goals, directions, and actions relevant to our Shire, at a local level. It will also assist to shape how the development controls evolve over time to meet the community's needs.

Council would like to make you aware that as of 1 December 2021 changes will occur to Environment Protection zone within the Gunnedah Local Environmental Plan. As of 1 December a reference to an Environment Protection zone E1, E2, E3 or E4 in a document should be taken to be a reference to a Conservation zone C1, C2, C3 or C4. For further information please see Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Amendment (Land Use Zones) Order 2021 (
