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5 February, 2025 Part of resilience is good mental health, and Gunnedah Shire Council will offer the community another fun and effective way to support mental health through two Words for Wellbeing – Journalling workshops. On Wednesday, 19 February and Thursday, 20, March, facilitator Lucy Gallagher, who is a farmer and a writer, and has experience as a counsellor/registered nurse in rural mental health, will lead two FREE interactive and evidence-based six-hour workshops at the…
February 3, 2024 It’s back to school time, and time to remember to drive carefully around school zones. Gunnedah Shire Council Manager Community Safety Wade Berryman said the start of the school year was a busy time on the roads as students and parents navigated new schools or returned to school. “Many children are starting at a new school, and there will be confusion about where to go and how to get there,” Mr Berryman…
26 January, 2025 Nine amazing community members and organisations have been recognised at the 2025 Gunnedah Shire Council Australia Day Awards. The annual awards presentation was held yesterday and featured this year’s Australia Day Ambassador to Gunnedah, Patrick Warmoll. Mr Warmoll is the Managing Director of Jack’s Creek, the local premium Wagyu and Black Angus beef producer that has been internationally recognised as the World’s Best Steak Producer four times over the past decade. Chair…
26 January, 2025 Four people became our newest Australian citizens on Saturday, 25 January at an Australia Day weekend Citizenship Ceremony. Gunnedah Shire Council hosted the Citizenship Ceremony at The Civic ahead of the Australia Day Awards. Gunnedah Shire Council Australia Day Working Group Chair Cr Ann Luke welcomed the new citizens. “It is a great tradition to hold Citizenship Ceremonies across the country as part of Australia Day celebrations,” Cr Luke said. “The Gunnedah…
January 23, 2025  It’s been going for more than 20 years, has awarded 516 scholarships and is a hugely successful partnership between the community and Gunnedah Shire Council. The Gunnedah Community Scholarship Fund celebrated another year of community support for the Shire’s young people at the annual presentation yesterday afternoon. Eighteen students from Gunnedah Shire were awarded scholarships in areas ranging from agriculture to law. Gunnedah Shire Council Community Scholarship Fund Working Group Chair Cr…
January 22, 2025  The Australian Government is providing up to $55 million for Round 8 of the Mobile Black Spot Program. This program will co-fund projects to provide new resilient mobile coverage in regional and remote areas of Australia that are prone to Natural Disasters, including bushfires, cyclones, and floods. The focus on areas impacted by, or at risk of, Natural Disasters reflects the increasing exposure of many regions to these events, and the need…
20 January 2025 Eight Gunnedah Shire artists will transform the walls of the Gunnedah Bicentennial Creative Arts Gallery next month with The Art of Still Life exhibition. Artists Kristie Farquhar, Anne Knight, Julie Laurie, Jenny Mathews, Lyn Pratt, Louisa Riordan, Fonda Shae and Helen Stanley have joined forces to present a vibrant collection of still life art that will open at 6pm on Friday, February 7. Artist Fonda Shae said the works cross genres of…
17 January 2025 At an Extraordinary Meeting held this week, the Gunnedah Shire Council unanimously endorsed an application for a Special Rate Variation (SRV) and associated Minimum Rate increase to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). Background This decision follows several months of consideration and engagement with the community by Council on the SRV, commencing in May 2024 with Council endorsing the draft 2024/25 Operational Plan and Budget. This report contained information that Council’s…
15 January 2025 Australia is chock full of people with a huge variety of backgrounds, skills and interests, and Gunnedah Shire’s 2025 Australia Day Events Program reflects this diversity. Whether you live at Piallaway, Emerald Hill, Breeza, Mullaley or in the Gunnedah CBD, there are events to help you commemorate this special day. “Australia Day has always been a big day on Gunnedah Shire’s calendar and this year continues the tradition,” Gunnedah Shire Council Manager…
10 January 2025 From midnight tonight, Level 1 Water Restrictions will be implemented in the Gunnedah Shire. The 10-day average water consumption for the Gunnedah and Curlewis Water Supply has exceeded 10ML per day which means that Level 1 Water Restrictions will be imposed as per Council’s Drought Management Plan. Under this level of restriction, the impact on residences and their gardens is relatively minor with the focus being on general awareness of water consumption…