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In yesterday’s budget announcement it was revealed that $8 million dollars has been allocated for the commencement of Gunnedah’s Second Rail Overpass. This is a significant achievement, and an important moment in time given that Gunnedah Shire Council, along with the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) and Transport for New South Wales have been in consultation with the RMS since 2012. Although the project has been committed to for some time, the budget allocation ensures…
At last night’s council meeting, Gunnedah Shire Council endorsed the 2017- 2027 Community Strategic Plan. Council recently completed a wide range of engagement activities to understand the community’s ideas for the Gunnedah Shire, now, and into the future. The feedback, discussions and concerns that were raised have been considered and have helped guide many of the key themes that are represented in the plan. The Community Strategic Plan is the highest level of strategic document…
Did you know that almost half of the house fires in Australia start in the kitchen – all because cooking was being left unattended? To help prevent kitchen fires, Fire & Rescue NSW has released the Keep Looking When Cooking mini mag. Available in cafés, bars, community centres and other locations all over NSW, it features a great collection of recipes from firefighters that will give you the answer to that perennial question – “What’s…
The Staff at Recyclit have had to deal with a 'spike' in needles within the recycling kerbside pickup over the last 2 weeks. The workers at the Material Handling Facility sort through the material by hand and are exposed to sharps injury when the materials are contaminated. The types of Sharps that have been disposed incorrectly are; Needles – hollow needles used to inject drugs (medication) under the skin. Syringes – devices used to inject…
Upcoming Workshops for Small Business Owners Unleashing Innovation'Bringing Ideas to life - from shoestring through to growth' Every business is for sale, it is simply a matter of price!! Business growth can be achieved by organic growth or by acquisition. Acquisitions is the quickest way to grow a business (if done right) Is your target business for sale? The purpose of this presentation is to provide a brief outline of financing options and capital structures,…
Gunnedah Shire Council has endorsed the draft version of the Community Strategic Plan and the document, as well as the Delivery Program and Operational Plan are currently on Exhibition, with Council receiving submissions in relation to the documents until 5.00pm Thursday 15 June. Council recently completed a wide range of engagement activities to understand the community’s vision for the Gunnedah Shire, now, and into the future. The feedback, discussions and concerns that were raised have…
RECYCLING COLLECTION - GUNNEDAHMonday 12 June 2017Collection will be on Tuesday 13 June 2017.Residents are requested to place their recycling bins out on Monday evening as collection will begin early on Tuesday. RECYCLING COLLECTION - CURLEWISMonday 12 June 2017Collection will be on Wednesday 14 June 2017.Residents are requested to place their recycling bins out on Tuesday evening as collection will begin early on Wednesday. Should you have any enquiries regarding the Recycling collection over the…
Gunnedah Shire Council’s Crime Prevention Working Group recently undertook a walking tour of the closed circuit television (CCTV) network in the Gunnedah CBD. The tour was conducted to revisit and review the current locations of cameras and to determine future approaches to maintaining and expanding the network. Undertaking the tour were members of the Working Group including Chair Cr Colleen Fuller, Mayor Jaimie Chaffey, Cr David Moses, Cr John Campbell, Cr Murray O’Keefe, Inspector Michael…
Gunnedah Shire Council’s Access Working Group and concerned community members staged an awareness raising event in Conadilly Street on Sunday, 21 May to highlight the issue of inappropriate use of designated access bays in Gunnedah. Using wheelchairs parked in non-designated bays, each carried a sign to indicate that 'Laziness is not a disability'. Each sign was accompanied by a range of common excuses such as, ‘But it’s close, I will only be 5 minutes, Nobody…
‘The Cow Tripped Over the Moon’ is the book that will unite Australia for the 2017 National Simultaneous Storytime. 3500 libraries, schools and childcare centres across Australia will participate in synchronised reading at 11.00am on Wednesday 24, May to celebrate Australian authors and promote early childhood literacy. Gunnedah Shire Library’s event is set to be exciting, as they have taken leadership of the Gunnedah chapter of ‘Paint the Town REaD’ and will launch the program…